It seems to me that if almost 20 years ago college kids could query a soda machine down the hall in their dorms we should be able to at least start some coffee with the touch of a button, by remote. It seems like we should be able to turn the TV off and on, connect to our oven and even query the contents of our refrigerators and pantry. I can't even get my water sprinklers to turn on of my garden is too dry.
I've always wanted the power of the computer to leave the desk, get off the LCD screen and do something in the real world, maybe the revolution is here. Maybe I'm still a few years too early.
Why can't my garage door opener work remotely, my water sprinklers automatically take care of my yard and my fish tank accurately recreation the conditions off the shore of Fiji? Why doesn't my thermostat automatically signal me to open a window when its nice outside? Where are the interactive toys that can reach my kids while they play? I guess its time to bust out my soldering iron and make it reality time,
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