So I've decided that just software development isn't going to get me the kind of intellectual payoff that I seem to be wanting. What I want is the utopia of technological development.
An environment and system of methods and procedures that allows for infinite possibilities and no restrictions. Such a place does not exist. In the world of software development, tool choices are made and the tools chosen for the task determine the output or work produced, you can right a software application to control the world but it will never do it without connecting to real hardware to see the outcome,
Most software runs in a box, displays on a screen, and is connected to more of the same through wires. So one dimensional.
My quest is to learn how to take advantage of advances in microcontrollers, FPGAs and other tool chains previously unexplorered and leverage that knowledge to build a better world.
I begin by learning basic logic functions, and, or, flip flops and state machines, simple circuits to the complex, parallel programming for synchronous as well as asynchronous designs and a whole log more lingo, terms, definitions concepts smd practical applications,, whew!